Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 1.26.18

Here's what we've been reading online lately:

Greg Baird had a post on Children's Ministry Leader helping leaders understand the need for vision and how to people understand it. He reminds leaders, "I have to take responsibility for communicating the vision effectively." We aren't much of a leader if we aren't taking this responsibility seriously.

David Murray had a post on the Desiring God site on helping kids read the Bible. He wrote, "Earnest Christian parents want to help their children learn to read, understand, trust, and love the Bible. But most of us find this to be a significant, even daunting, challenge." Parents, this is both helpful and needed. Take advantage of this help.

Gospel-Centered Parenting had a post kids and doing ministry. It reads, "There are times when conversations are interrupted, children embarrass us, we are TIRED." But these aren't reasons to not do it. If you're a parent (especially of little ones), this will be an encouragement to you.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave us a link to check out in the comment section.