Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 1.27.17

Here's what we've found helpful online this week:

Christian Embree had a post about discipleship and family movie night. She concern and emphasis here is finding ways of, "Inviting Jesus into the everyday ...". Movies (and TV shows) can lead into great conversations that have real spiritual impact, if we are intentional with the time. 

Jon McGalthery over at Just Married Ministries had a great post the toughness of marriage. He says, "Marriage isn’t so tough after allBut remaining patient? That’s tough. Considering another before myself? That’s hard. Admitting when I am wrong, swallowing my pride and embracing humility? Asking for forgiveness? Overcoming heartache and pain, or deception and broken trust? Seeing past another’s sin? Recognizing my own sin? All of that is tough. Denying myself or dying to myself? Man—that is hard work. Picking up my cross and bearing it? That is tough." His point is clear, it's not marriage itself that is tough, but our attitude towards those we are closest to that is the real battle.

John Piper over at Desiring God had a great post for moms entitled What If I Ruin My Kids. He wrote, "There are glories in motherhood that every woman should think about and embrace and rejoice in as God calls them to motherhood. And when I say “glories,” I don’t necessarily mean things that are easy, but things that are profoundly significant and beautiful and precious in God’s sight and essential for his purposes in the world." Moms are important and need to be encouraged.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section for us to check out.