Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 2.17.17

Here's where our online reading has led us this week:

Christine Hoover was over on the For the Church blog writing on the value of vulnerability within community. She wrote, "Vulnerability is the spark for us to enjoy and help cultivate true community." This is a helpful post for all us: parents, pastors, and kids. If we expect to be truly "one another" each other, we must be vulnerable with each other.

Christina Embree had a post on home discipleship. She asks the question, "What if instead of adding another thing to our calendar, we sought for ways to intentionally invite Christ into what we are already doing?" If we are going to make Christ real to our kids, we have show how He's real in the everyday things of life, the little things as well as the big things.

Holly Shivers had a post on the NAMB site on kids and truth. She's asking the question, "... what can we do now to strengthen the resolve within our kids to stay bravely attached to the truth of God’s Word, no matter the opposition that could follow?" Parents, this is a helpful post.

What have you found helpful as you've searched the interwebs? Leave us a link in the comment section for us to check out.