Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 2.7.20

Here’s what we’ve been encouraged by online this week:

Our friend Sam Luce had a post on handling difficult kids. He writes, “We can not have a personal relationship with Jesus apart from the context of the community God provided and Christ inaugurated. Disciplining children is gospel work.” He goes on to provide tips on how to do this well. This can be an encouragement to all those who seek to serve kids as well as honor God.

Pathos had a post on addressing the topic of optional church attendance and kids. It reads, “Sunday is a special day for God’s people and ought not be treated like a second Saturday. This means that hobbies should fall second to the things of God. This thought is certainly counter-cultural.” The primary goal parents should have for their kids, is that they would become worshippers of God. It’s good have other goals and aspirations for them as well, but this needs to be primary. When it’s not, we aren’t just short changing them, we are dishonoring God.

The Gospel Coalition had a post on family worship. After listing 4 things to keep in mind, the post concludes this way, “Family worship is no sacrament, but it’s an ordinary way the Lord blesses households. Devotion to gather around his Word strengthens our unity and deepens our love.”

What have you found helpful online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section for us to check out.