Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 3.17.17 (St. Patrick's Day Edition)

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I hope you remembered to wear your green,  Timothy Paul Jones wrote about the True Story of St. Patrick. Dr. Jones writes, “But Patrick wasn’t actually Irish, and no pinches or parties or shades of green played any significant role in his story, as far as anyone knows. His story does, however, have much to do with forgiveness, faithfulness, and the gospel of Jesus Christ.” 

Ruth Ripkin on the International Mission Board website wrote an article about 3 Ways to teach your kids to pray for the persecuted church. Ruth writes, “God hears and responds to the prayers of children who know him. Rather than shielding your children from the realities of suffering for Jesus’s name, lead them to pray boldly on behalf of the persecuted.” Help cultivate a heart for the nations in the next generation. 

This week I read a blog written for Pastor's wives who are experiencing burnout but the blog is good for anyone experiencing burnout. Erin Wheeler on the Gospel Coalition writes, “Too often, we toil in our own strength and then wonder why we’re so exhausted. Like oxygen masks on an airplane, we must attach ourselves to the oxygen of God’s Word before we’re any use to others suffocating on the fumes of this world.” May we all ask for God’s grace about fighting burning out. 

Sam Luce shared out this week about the books you should read in your first year of Kidmin. Please check out this book list for your growth and maturity. Please comment if there are books that you love that you would recommend for others to read! 

Please comment what you have you been reading this week!