Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 3.18.16

Here is our weekly list of online posts we've found helpful and encouraging.

Gospel Centered Discipleship had a post on leadership entitled "Leading Like the Good Shepherd". It reads, "... a good shepherd dies for the cause when the Father has made the sheep the cause." Both parents (especially Dads) as well as pastors would benefit from reading this post.

Tim Elmore had a post on his site Growing Leaders about conversations parents need to have with their kids, even when it hard and uncomfortable. He writes, "For many reasons, today’s adult has often been unwilling or unable to host crucial conversations with teens and twenty-somethings. Consequently, students graduate unready for the world that awaits them." Parents, review this list and get prepared.

Kenny Conley had a post about the importance of doing less. He writes, "Doing less means I have far more time to make sure that everything we do is incredible. Doing less means I have far more time to invest in volunteers to ensure they’re truly impacting their kids." If you are pastor or leader in any ministry, this post is a reminder of what your role/job really is.

Paul Tripp had a post on the Verge site about kids and missions. He is answering the question, "How early in my child’s life do I disciple this child for ministry and mission and what does that look like?" He answers it this way, "Everything you have is a potential means of ministry…The ideas are endless.” Parents, make mission and discipleship a part of everyday life. Pastors, train parents to do so.

What have you been reading online? Leave us a link in the comment section and we will check it out.