Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 3.2.18

Here's the online content that got us thinking this week:

Rooted Families had a post on courageous parenting. In the midst of the fear based society we live in the post reads, "...  the key to courage: courage does not begin with us. Just as it all begins with God’s steadfast character, even the courage He commands us is not something we can manufacture in and of ourselves." The author of this post works through Psalm 27 to illustrate his point.

Scott Kedersha had a post ways to develop martial intimacy. He reads in part, "... intimacy doesn’t happen accidentally. You must be intentional to increase intimacy in your marriage." His list of 10 way to increase intimacy are spot on and worth your time.

Download Youth Ministry had an important post for both youth and children's ministry leaders to think through on the topic of working with parents. In order for ministry to the next generation to be truly successful, we have to involve parents in the process. Here are some helpful hints to be thinking through.

What have you benefitted from online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section and we will check it out.