Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 4.24.15

Here's what we've been reading online this week:

Jared found this post on Christianity Today helpful for all of us. It's on how the church can make the most of an opportunity to serve parents with autistic children. It reads in part, " The key is not expert knowledge about the disorder, but a willingness to be hospitable and flexible ..." This post gives simple ideas that are easily implemented that will make all the difference to both these parents and their children.

Jack Klumpenhower had a great post on kids and prayer. He wrote, " ... but many of us are just as obsessed (or more obsessed!) with what others will think of us when we pray." Jack shares some great thoughts on prayer, why we should teach on it more, why we feel the need to show off when we do it out loud and what to do about it.

Edutopia had a post asking the question "What makes a great teacher?" It reads, " ...  a great teacher should be much more than credentials, experience and intelligence." The post then goes on to list several characteristics.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section for us to check out.