Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 5.22.2020

Here’s what we’ve been reading over the past couple of weeks. There are two posts on bringing kids into worship with you—something many parents will be doing as churches begin to reopen—as well as an excellent post on talking to kids about death and loss.

Jenny F. Smith had two great posts on her blog, Everyday Kids Ministry. The first is entitled “I’m Going to Have To Take My Kid to Big Church With Me ?!?” While there may be some initial fear, there are lots of good reasons to keep the kids with us in worship. Jenny reviews several of them. Then, in her second post, Jenny provides us with some practical strategies when worshiping with your kids. I think both posts will really benefit you.

At the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission page, there was a great post by Courtney Reissig on the differences between how men and women approach parenting and work.

Finally, from the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation, Alistair Groves and Julie Lowe, write a helpful post on how to talk with kids about death.

What have you been reading online? Leave us a link in the comment section, and we’ll check it out.