Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 6.12.15

Here's what we've been reading online this week:

Focus on the Family had a post on how parents should handle disrespect. It reads, "Disrespect is the primary root of disobedience." The post goes on to give some practical tips on how to handle disrespect.

Russell Moore had a post a post on technology and parenting. He ends the post this way, "Technology is good. Turning our children over to the cyber-wilderness is not." Go read it and see why he says this.

Redeemer Fellowship's own elder candidate, Jim Fowler, wrote a post on serving. He says, "When we serve, we are witnessing to the goodness of Christ.  We are sharing his love with others." Pastors, our people need to hear this, not a plea for help filling empty slots on a schedule, but as a call to faithfully disciple.

Our friend, Sam Luce, had a post entitled, "The one thing that will change your family forever". I can't give a quote without giving it away, but trust me when I say, I've seen this one thing for both sides (as a child and now as a parent), and Sam is right on with it.

The Journey's own Lead Pastor, Darrin Patrick, wrote a post on parenting. He laments, "Many parents lack the courage to correct their children." He goes on to equip parent on how to correct well.

What have you been reading and benefitting from online? Leave us a link in the comment section and we will check it out (... even if you wrote it).