Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 7.31.15

Here's what we've been reading online and benefiting from:

Nick Batzig wrote a post listing reasons to keep kids in the corporate worship service. He wrote, " Being with the congregation in the worship service from childhood is one of the greatest privileges that God has given to children growing up in a Christian home." His reasoning is sound and his "caveats" are helpful. If you're thinking through this issue, this will help.

Sam Luce pulled together a great group of links to help parents think through and talk about LGBT issues. This is a great resource for parents and pastors alike.

Jack Klumpenhower had a great post on the wonder of Jesus and how to recapture it. He says, "One of my constant goals is to present Jesus in fresh ways that will cause kids who’ve heard about him all their lives to see him with new, wonder-filled eyes." His goal should be our goal as well.

Brian Dollar had a short post and video helping recognize the cues when their kids want to talk. Parents, this is well worth your time.

Tim Challies had a get post by Nicholas McDonald entitled "Raising Real Kids, Not Fakers". In it the author writes, "Rather than excusing their children’s sin or “fixing” it, these parents resolve to love their children through imperfection. And that’s the #1 way to keep our children real. " Parents, how do you view your child's failure?

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section for us to check out.