Family Friday Links 8.26.16
Here's your weekly dose of what we've been reading online this week:
Scott Slayton had a post that lists characteristics of a godly dad. He answers the question, "... what does a godly dad do?" He goes on to list 6 things dads should be doing. The job of parenting is beyond the capacity of any of us. This list serves as a reminder of how to do it well. If you're a dad, or even hope to be one day, read this to be challenged and encouraged.
National Public Radio (NPR) had a post kids and risk. The post claims that risk to kids these days may be perceived and not actual. The post reads in part, "... it could be that moral attitudes toward parenting have changed, such that leaving children unsupervised is now judged morally wrong. And because it's judged morally wrong, people overestimate the risk." Parents it's important for us to think through what is and isn't acceptable risk, real vs. perceived risk for our kids.
Tim Challis pulled together a post of John Piper parenting tips. This is a good read for parents trying to raise their kids to be worshippers of God.
What have you been reading online that we may have missed? Leave us a link in the comment section and we will check it out.