Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 9.4.15

Here's what we've been reading online lately:

Matt Guevara wrote a post for leaders reminding us that there are high stakes. He says, "Kidmin leaders often readily prioritize other things before their own discipleship journey." If we aren't growing ourselves, we have nothing to give those we are trying to lead.

Brian Howard shared a couple of really good posts this past week. First, he shared what he learned from Barry Rager about creating a family plan. This is an important practice if we a parents wish to have a positive impact on our kids. Read through this and put it into practice. Secondly, he shared a post of things kids can do instead of watching TV. This applies to both kids and adults, as well as any electronic device.

Jack Klumpenhower had a post a back to school post. He says, "So if I have one back-to-school suggestion for parents, it’s to decide now to make time for your family to practice spiritual disciplines together." I love where his heart is and his intentionality (... while at the same time I struggle with the fact his back to school post was better than mine).

Our friend Marty Machowski wrote a post on the lost art of the hand written note and the impact they can have on our kids. He wrote, "Letters have an important quality modern instant communication lacks.   Letters take time. They take time for us to write and they take time for us to read.   Letters force you to think and speak slowly as you choose your words and transfer them onto the page. Letters soak into your heart as you read them." Anyone you take the time to actually write a letter to will be blessed by the effort. 

What have you been reading online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section and we will check it out.