Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 11.1.19

Here’s what we’ve been reading online lately:

Ministry Spark had a post about preteen Bible engagement. It reads, “It’s imperative that we help kids see that God’s story is real, and, therefore, it’s important for them to understand it in context, or ‘surround sound’.” Helping kids make connections to the larger story of God’s redemptive history and their place in it, while hard, is the job of every parent and every youth worker who partners with parents.

Desiring God had a post on children and obedience. It says, ““Parents who do not teach their children to obey prepare them for a life out of step with God’s word.” This can be a hot topic in our culture, but it is a necessary one for Bible believing parents. Obedience to God part of what being a true believer is.

discipleFIRST had a post entitled “Do’s and Don’t of Disciple Making.” The kids This a very practical post geared towards pastors, but the same principles apply to parents as well. The author encourages us to stop talking about discipleship and simply start doing it.

What have you been benefiting from online recently? Leave a link in the comment section for us to check out!