Gospel-Centered Family

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Our Prayer

As Jared, Pat and I begin writing regularly we understand our need for God in this adventure. We need his grace and His wisdom if we have any hope to further God’s good news. This is our prayer as we begin to write regularly together:

This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:11-12 ESV

Father, may we see the next generation transformed by the gospel. There is no other salvation to be found for ourselves, our families, or the children of our churches. Jesus, your name alone is able to save. We pray the families who read this blog will see you have called them to be disciples and to make disciples. You have created the home as the primary and ideal place where parents teach the gospel to their children. Please continue to grow and move our churches to love families, equip parents, and train volunteers to teach kids the gospel.

God, we ask for moms, dads, volunteers and family ministry leaders to be encouraged by what is read here. Help our churches tell the next generation the only hope we have in life or in death is You. Excite our hearts to engage kids with the gospel. We pray what is written here glorifies you. Allow us spirits willing to submit to your Holy Spirit and your sacred Word, and keep us from pride and stubbornness.

Father forgive us for rejecting you. We repent of the times we as parents or church leaders try to give our kids anything less than you. Whether it is trust in comfort, approval, education, entertainment, or our own goodness, guide our hearts and minds to fully rest in Jesus and his redemptive work. God, in your kindness and mercy, help our children to treasure you above all. Grant us discernment so we give people more of you, not just new methods or practices. As your Word and Holy Spirit teach us, soften and change hearts. Lead us into loving action and obedience. Bless the relationships that begin here and continually refine our affections for you.

In the name of Jesus our Savior we pray
