Family Friday Links 1.20.17

Here's what we've found helpful online this week:

Tim Challies had a great post at the end of last year on the topic of family devotions. He gives ideas and tips on how to make them better. This is a great resource for both parents and pastors.

Kindred Grace had a post by Natasha Metzler on the topic of perseverance. It reads, "Perseverance, it turns out, has more to do with the very next step than it does the end goal." This is good and needed reminder for all of us.

Orange Leaders had a post on delegation. It reads, "God created us to work in teams, all bringing our unique gifts together so we can be better together. If you’ve been gifted as a leader, you need to concentrate on those responsibilities only you can do as a leader. To do that, you must become effective at delegation." This is a skill all leaders need if they they truly want to be successful.

What have you been reading online lately? How has it benefitted you? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out.