
Published resources from the Gospel-Centered Family team

The Story of Martin Luther:
The Monk Who Changed the World

A monk, priest, and professor—Martin Luther was committed to a life of poverty and self-sacrifice. But despite all his good deeds, he still felt a deep unrest within his soul. It was only when he immersed himself in God’s word that he found peace through Jesus Christ and justification by faith alone. This short and lively biography takes middle-grade readers on an exciting journey through Luther’s life, highlighting how his writings transformed the church and eventually the world. It emphasizes the importance of Scripture and the fundamental doctrine the young monk discovered in Paul’s letters. The book features illustrations, maps, timelines, bonus sidebars, and study questions.

Unto Us:
25 Advent Devotions about the Messiah

Don’t let Christmas distract you from Christ. The weeks leading up to Christmas should be a time when we remember God’s promises to send the Messiah. A time when we celebrate the Savior who has come and is coming again. But far too often, December slips by and the season’s demands dull our desire for Christ. How do we rekindle our longing for him this Advent season? The Gospel Coalition’s staff has written 25 daily devotions to help you and your family fix your hearts on Christ this Advent season. Whether you’re distracted or weary, anxious or doubting, hoping or hurting, these words will help you gaze at Jesus. They’ll stir in you fresh wonder that a Savior has been born unto us.

Faith Builder Catechism:
Devotions to Level Up Your Family Discipleship

The most enthralling video games take place in elaborate kingdoms with characters we root for and stories we connect with. When playing a video game, we learn to inhabit the game’s world step by step. The same is true with our faith. Whether you’re taking your first steps in family discipleship or are a pro who has weekly devotional routine in place, the interactive questions, answers, and 52 devotionals in Faith Builder Catechism will help your family establish building blocks of faith, one level at a time. This tool will help you establish regular discipleship conversations and cultivate a deeper knowledge of the theology expressed in the Apostle’s Creed, the Ten Commandments, the doctrines of grace, the Great Commission, and the Lord’s Prayer. 

Keeping Your Children’s Ministry on Mission:
Practical Strategies for Discipling the Next Generation

When building a children’s ministry at a church, there is so much to consider: Which curriculum should we use? How many volunteers do we need? How do we keep parents in the loop? And that’s before we run into stalled check-in computers, missing activity sheets, and floors that need to be vacuumed. While all of the tasks of children’s ministry are important, leaders can get easily distracted with the everyday work of doing ministry and lose sight of the main focus—the gospel. Keeping Your Children’s Ministry on Mission shares a four-fold approach for gospel-centered, missional children’s ministry: hospitality, teaching, discipleship, and mission. This practical resource covers a variety of topics ranging from creating child protection policies to putting together lesson plans to catechism, helpful for children’s ministers and volunteers alike as they disciple children with the powerful message of the gospel.

The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible

This Bible storybook by Jared Kennedy contains fifty-two Bible stories retold simply and compellingly for toddlers and preschoolers. Each story highlights the unexpected ways God’s grace and mercy are revealed throughout the Bible. Trish Mahoney's brightly colored illustrations highlight each story and add fun teaching elements of counting, opposites, patterns, and object recognition to keep the youngest child’s attention.

“This simple, beautifully illustrated story Bible is perfect for helping the youngest members of God’s family trace the gospel thread through the rich tapestry of Scripture. It will be the first story Bible I buy for all my grandchildren.”
—Iain Duguid, Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary

God Made Me for Worship:
Helping Children Understand Church

Sitting in a worship service for any young child can be a difficult experience. One minute everyone is singing loudly, the next everyone is sitting and listening quietly (without talking!). Sometimes the adults know something that should be said out loud, like, "Thanks be to God!" How did they know what to say? How do people know when to talk to one another and shake hands? God Made Me for Worship focuses on teaching kids about the key liturgical movements in a worship gathering, including the call to worship, praise and adoration, confession, assurance, passing the peace, ministry of the Word and sacraments, and benediction and sending. Kennedy guides parents to help their kids understand why we're intentional about worship, encouraging them to engage not just to manage behavior during a worship gathering, but to invite kids to respond to God along with the whole church body.

God Rescues: Moses and the Exodus

God keeps his promises in amazing and often surprising ways. The Bible stories in God Rescues show how God watched over his people and used Moses to save the Israelites from trouble.  Just as God watched over and rescued his people then, even now we are safe with Jesus. The perfect Passover lamb helps us remember God’s promise to forgive, and God keeps that promise through Jesus, the Lamb of God. 

Author Jared Kennedy uses simple words and concepts to help toddlers and preschoolers understand that God takes care of us and always keeps his promises. This beautifully illustrated board book for ages three to five is part of the Beginner’s Gospel Story Book series.  

God Wins: Walls, Giants, and Enemies Fall

God protects and takes care of his people in amazing ways. He is powerful and good, and he always keeps his promises. Through the Bible stories in God Wins, children will hear about Joshua, David, Daniel’s friends, and Esther. Even though these heroes were afraid, they obeyed God and were used to save God’s people.  

Author Jared Kennedy uses simple words and concepts to help toddlers and preschoolers understand that in any situation God always wins. The interactive questions in the stories help children understand that God still takes care of us today.  

Jesus Is Bigger Than Me:
True Stories of His Miracles

Kids need to know that God is present and active in our world. More than that, they need to know that they can trust him. Jesus Is Bigger than Me uses simple words and concepts to help toddlers and preschoolers understand that Jesus is powerful and good. He isn’t just stronger than any superhero, he is God—the King of the universe. In the book, children will learn that Jesus has the power to heal and even give life to the dead. Most importantly, children will learn that Jesus is God, and through the stories of his miracles, they’ll be encouraged to go to him for help because he cares for them.  Jesus is bigger and more powerful than any superhero. He can turn water into wine, calm a stormy sea, give sight to the blind, and even raise the dead. When Jesus is with us, God is with us.

Jesus Came for Me

Because Jesus was born at Christmas, we can know that he is with us always. This board book helps toddlers and preschoolers understand the true meaning of Christmas in a personal, memorable way. Jesus Came for Me is part of The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible series. For children ages three to seven, this beautifully illustrated book begins with the announcement of John the Baptist’s birth to Zechariah and ends with the visit of the wise men. Jesus, our great God, was born as a baby, and his birth is good news and great joy for all people—including your child! Help your little one know that Jesus is always present, and he helps us believe and wait for him. Help them to live in the joy of the great truth that Jesus is with us!

Jesus Rose for Me

Every Easter, we celebrate that Jesus is more powerful than death. But what does that mean for your little one? Jesus Rose for Me by Jared Kennedy helps toddlers and preschoolers understand the true meaning of Easter in a personal, memorable way. For children ages three to seven, this beautifully illustrated board book begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter, when Jesus rose for us. Children will learn that Jesus is our king and that everyone who trusts in him is part of his forever family.

Help your kids understand that Jesus died for us and rose from the dead. Help them live in the joy of the greatest truth of all: Jesus is alive!

Before the Lord, Before the Church:
'How-to' Plan a Child Dedication

Is child dedication just a sentimental moment to celebrate family with oohs and awes over the babies? Or is it a solemn moment before God and a covenanting one before the local church? Jared and Megan Kennedy explain a philosophy of child dedication with a poignant “How-To” plan for living out a powerful witness to Christ for one another and before the watching world. Whether you are rescuing various forms of child dedication from sentimentalism or perhaps sacrament, this book will guide you to faithful and fruitful ministry honoring God for the gift of children while blessing your church.

A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Your Children About Gender: Helping Kids Navigate a Confusing Culture (e-book)

Parenting is never easy. And in today’s culture, it is as difficult as ever. In this short book, Jared Kennedy presents a guide to help Christian parents navigate one of the most complex issues of our time: gender. With clarity and compassion, wisdom and grace, Jared offers basic explanations and step-by-step guidance for parents seeking to understand and address various issues related to gender and sexuality. The book reveals the heart of a shepherd and carefully applies the hope of the gospel to the many challenges related to these issues arising among children and young people today.