
Get the good news in your ears!

Press Pause: The under-10-Minute Family Worship Podcast

Press Pause is the under-ten-minute family devotional podcast that will help you teach your kids big truths about Jesus and the Christian faith. Listen along, and we’ll give you several opportunities to press pause, ask questions, and have conversations with your kids. This is a time when you can grow together in your faith and get to know each other a little more. 

Each week you’ll have a new big truth to walk through together with your kids. All you need is a phone and a small chunk of time. Press pause over dinner, while you’re waiting for that carpool line to move, or when bedtime rolls around. 


From the Beginning: A Podcast about God’s Great Love

Narratives are essential tools for burying the truths found in God’s Word deep in our hearts. When we grasp something on an intellectual level, it is good but it isn’t our cognitive mind that often drives our actions, it is the emotional, connecting, energizing realization of a truth that motivates our thinking selves into action. Many of us have had the experience, like Paul, where we know the good that we need to do but we find ourselves doing what we don’t want to do. In the Scriptures, we find God uses stories to motivate our hearts. He uses stories to get our bodies to do what we know in our heads we ought to do.

From the Beginning is designed to be highly digestible, engaging, biblically solid, and fun. The episodes work to have meaningful illustrations, biblical content, goofy humor, and helpful resources. They include both adult and kid voices, and they point to point to big, life-giving truths.