Family Friday Links 12.6.19

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Here’s what we’ve been reading online lately:

Scott Kedersha wrote a post on the necessity of living out loud. He describes the phrase negatively this way, “ …  instead of being honest and inviting others in, I hide and keep it in the dark. I want to impress others and I fear being shamed when I fail.” We all have done or continue to do this. The post goes on to list ways to truly do this and why it’s important. This post is a healthy reminder for us all.

With advent upon us, Ministry Spark had about the need for facts about this important event. It reads in part, “Grace shows up in the story of Jesus’ birth in so many ways. Knowing and celebrating these facts helps us to better understand the depth of the love of our King.” Kids need to know not just the facts, but why the facts are important.

Dan Darling had a post on the ERLC sight about the genealogy of Jesus. He says, “And even in this small and seemingly insignificant detail of listing four women in Jesus’ family tree, Matthew is communicating something powerful.” He goes on to explain that importance and how it should effect us. Read this and be encouraged.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section to check out.

Pat Aldridge