Family Friday Links 1.3.20

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Happy New Year! With the craziness and busyness of the holidays finally behind us, here’s what what we’ve been reading over the past month.

Christina Embree had a post on the topic of kids and “big church”. She reminds readers, “Church isn’t something to be consumed; it is something to be!” Interruptions, wiggles, and whispering don’t have to be a distraction, if we understand it goes with the territory as we seek to raise the next generation of worshippers. This is a great reminder for all church attenders.

Barnabas Piper had a post on childlike faith. He starts the post out this way, “Childish and childlike are similar words with vastly different meanings. The former encapsulates all the worst things about children – petulance, immaturity, obnoxiousness, selfishness, and so on. It is antithetical to faith. The latter, though, describes all the beautiful things about children – trust, joy, innocence, curiosity, wonder, forgiveness, and so much more.” He goes on to list 5 characteristics that should be present in the faith of ANY believer.. These need to be encouraged in all generations.

Janelle Hoos has written a multi-part series on sharing the Gospel with kids. By way of introduction she says, “ It is my responsibility to share the gospel truthfully, accurately, and in a way that kids will understand,” and later writes, “I am also reminded of what isn’t my responsibility. I am not the one who saves children – God does that!” This series would serves as a great reminders for all those that wish to impact kids for God’s kingdom and is set up for use to train volunteers.

What have you benefitted from reading online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out!

Pat Aldridge