Family Friday Links 4.10.15

Here is our weekly list of what we've been reading online this week:

Jared found this post from Special Needs Parenting entitled The Greatest Therapy super helpful and encouraging. It reads, "When we allow God to love us just as we are—the imperfect, weary parents who struggle every day to get it right—we are transformed to become a river of God’s love for our child!" and "There is no therapy as powerful as love. Love transforms, renews, strengthens, teaches, restores, encourages, and heals our very soul." This is a valuable lesson for us all, whether we are working with "special needs" kids or not.

Verge had a post they borrowed from Weave on child's focus. It reads, "As parents, you can use your children’s natural tendency to pick up on differences to foster a heart of gratitude and develop a habit of intercession for others." Parents, read this post and help children see beyond themselves.

Greg Baird had an encouraging post for all Children's and Family Ministry Leaders. If you are involved in these areas, this post is for you.

What have you been reading online this week? Leave it the comment section for us to check out.