Family Friday Links 4.22.16

Here's what we've been reading this week:

The first one is for husbands. Lewis Guest IV had a post over on Desiring God entitled, "A Husband's Manuel for Marriage". He writes, "By beholding the glory of Christ we become like Christ. That’s the key to overcoming the impossibility of a husband’s calling." Husbands, take this wise advise from someone new to game of marriage.

My (Pat) former Youth Pastor, Doug Holliday, continues his #likeJesus series with "Seeing Family". He's asking the question, "What is the impact our life has on those closest to us …"? Moms, Dads, and Pastors, this is question worth pondering.

Kristen Hatton wrote a post entitled, "Why Our Teens Don't Know They Need Jesus". She says, "... without being rooted in the centrality of the gospel, our teens don’t have the gospel glasses to rightly interpret life; they are ill-equipped to deal honestly with sin, and don’t understand how desperately they need Jesus." Parents, Children's/Youth/Family Pastors consider carefully how and what you teach those in your care.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section for us to check out.