Family Friday Links 4.7.17

In this edition of links we are focusing on kids; the blessing they are, how ill-prepared we feel, and how we sometimes fail them. Or maybe a better way to think about this post as being for parents.

For those of you who don't know, I am a huge JC Ryle fan. His book Holiness is one I re-read about once a year. There is a website and Facebook page which is where I found the post entitled, "Train your Children or They Will Train Themselves" The post is quoting from Ryle's book, The Duties of Parents. Here's my favorite quote from the post, "Our hearts are like the earth on which we walk; leave it alone, and it is sure to bear weeds." Parent's, we need to be intentional with the discipleship of our kids. This is a great reminder.

Rachael over at WunderMom had a post about strong willed children. She says, "The way we parent is not for that one moment, but instead for the 20 years down the road." This will require that our parenting changes as our kids develop. 

All Pro Dad had a post about teaching kids to conflict resolution. While he list ways to do this he wrote, "Sometimes good conflict resolution is caught instead of taught." Parent's we need model this for our kids, especially when we sin against them.

Nichole over at had a post on discipline and what interferes with it. It reads, "Everyone carries around an unspoken understanding of why kids act the way they do." While some of these may be helpful, the post lists the ones that aren't and how to overcome them. Parents remember, how we react to our kids will an indication of where our own heart is at.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section and we will check it out.