Family Friday Links 3.31.17

Here's what we've been reading online this week:

My friend, Scott Kedersha, had another great post on marriage, actually it was a 2-parter (part 1, part 2). He states, "No relationship provides more opportunities to put the needs of the other first than marriage." Through both posts he lists 6 ideas of how to do that. If you're married, these posts will help strengthen your relationship and marriage.

Another friend of mine, Corey Jones, had a post about messy leadership. He says it's necessary because, "When you embrace messy leadership, you are giving broken people a chance to answer God’s call on their life." If you're in a position of leadership, read this post.

Jaquelle Crowe had a post (with video) on the Crossway blog on teen discipleship. She wrote about formal and informal discipleship and the necessity of both. The video is worth your time.

What have you been benefitting from online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out.