Family Friday Links 4.17.15

Here's what we've been reading online over the last week:

Tim Elmore had a post on what motivates students. He writes, "In a world that’s saturated with stimulants—video, music, chemicals, images, social media, meds and digital content—it’s increasingly difficult to motivate or inspire students." The motivations he lists surprised me, check it out.

Tim Challies had a post on parenting. He wrote, "I had the rock-solid assurance that my parents believed and practiced what they preached." Parents, this is some of the best advice out there right now.

Sam Luce had a post on insecure leadership. He writes, "Secure leaders build a team by recognizing the God-given strengths in others and the God-given limitations in themselves." If you are a leader (of either kind) read this and be encouraged.

Special Needs Parenting had a post entitled, "Why Do We Weep?" In it, the author Kathleen Bolduc says, "Am I open to the seemingly impossible? To the truly miraculous? Am I open to day-to-day transformation? For myself, for my son, for my family?" If you are a parent of a special needs child, or have special needs kids in your ministry, this brings needed perspective and hope.

Melissa Kruger had a post on parenting. She says, "Parenting our children gracefully means that we treat their sin with the same patience we’d want to receive." Parents, we need to hear and apply these words.

Justin Holcomb had a post on Key Life listing ways to make your teaching anti-Christian. It's just a straight list, so I'm not going to quote it here. If you teach in any capacity, check it out.

Here are a few articles Jeff came across this week: 

Jason Helopoulos was a guest blogger for Kevin DeYoung on The Gospel Coalition this week. He gave 10 Principles For Christian Husbands & Fathers. He says, "Too few of us grew up in Christian homes with strong and godly Christian fathers to model it before us. How does a Christian husband and father lead their family well in Christ?" How can these principles help you lead your family. 

The website Surge shared a letter Jack Miller wrote to Christian parents about 4 Steps for Parenting in Grace. He says, "You are not orphan-parents, but a confident son or daughter of God. Believe that your God is far more interested in your child’s eternal welfare than you are. So you have all the infinite resources of your holy Father behind you in this great work." Parents be encouraged as you raise your children. 

There are many conversations I have with moms and dads about how they believe they are failures as parents. Verge Network this week posted a great article about The Hope of Imperfect Moms. Angela Suh writes, "My kids don’t need a perfect mother. They need, instead, to know that there is a perfect Savior. And this imperfect mother can use all my failings to point them to a perfect Savior every single day." Moms take hope you do not need to be perfect."

What have you been reading or writing online lately? Leave us a comment, and we will check it out.