Family Friday Links 5.1.15

Here's what we've been reading online this past week:

Aaron Armstrong had a great post asking what true teachers do. He wrote, "Your ability to teach matters, make no mistake. But what’s more important than your ability that you hold fast to the Scriptures." If you teach, in any capacity, this post is for you.

Edutopia aslo had a post on teaching. This post was attempting to define what makes a great teacher. It states, " ... a great teacher should be much more than credentials, experience and intelligence." The post then goes on to list several character qualities of great teachers.

LifeWay Kids had a post on helping kids study the Bible on their own. The post starts out by asking, "Wouldn’t it be great if Kids CHOSE to study the Bible on their own?" It then goes on to give practical suggestions. Parents, this one is easy to practice.

Moms, this next one is for you. Girltalk had a post about how motherhood drains happiness.The post boldly asserts, "It is not motherhood that destroys your happiness but motherhood without a purpose." It then goes how to explain the purpose of motherhood.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section and we will check it out.