Family Friday Links 5.29.15

Tim Challes posted an article about author Puritan John Flavel. Flavel gives 8 Items for Christian Parents to Ponder. Challes writes, " He (John Flavel) wants you, the parent, to seriously consider the responsibility that God has entrusted to you for each one of your children. And, at least for me, each of them felt like a gut-punch. He offers these 8 considerations, asking that you would ponder each one and allow them to motivate you to call your children to respond to the gospel."

Helen Lee posted with the Verge Network wrote a good article titled 3 Key Words for Moms. Lee writes, "So missional living, even when we find ourselves busy with managing our households, is something that can be done at any stage of motherhood, and it helps to provide a sense of balance that orients us properly to the primary calling that God has given each one of us. I hope you find these words helpful to you as you seek to find ways to live for God’s mission in whatever season of life you are in."

Timothy Paul Jones wrote a blog on Leadership titled: Three Crucial Priorities for Shepherd Leaders.  Jones writes, " What this young man needed wasn’t merely an improvement in his people skills—though, frankly, he could have used that too. What he needed was to understand the difference between cattle and sheep. Cattle might meander among the oaks of Bashan or find themselves being fattened in pens (Amos 4:1; 6:4); either way, their tending never required their keepers to live among them. Sheep, on the other hand, need a shepherd, and shepherds live among their sheep." Good insight on how to shepherd the people who are in our care. 

Ryan Huguley wrote a blog entitled Three Rhythms For Family Devotions for the site For The Church. Huguley says, "How we practice these three rhythms will vary based on our family make-up, the ages of our kids, and the season of our lives. Don’t get discouraged. Don’t get up in your head. Don’t over-complicate it. Look for every opportunity to talk with your kids about Jesus and use family devotions to spawn those conversations. Read together. Sing together. Pray together. It’s that simple."