Family Friday Links 5.6.16

As we've moved around the web this week, here's what we've found helpful and encouraging:

Daniel Passini wrote a post entitled, "Contract Love vs. Covenant Love" In it he writes, "If you desire to have a powerful, thriving, and lasting relationship it has to be based on a covenant rather than a contract." Contracts are for business, covenants are for relationships. If you are married, in a relationship, or hope to be some day, this post is well worth your time. The stakes are too high to be overlooked.

Art Rainer had a great post on the effects leadership has on the family. He says, "Let me point out something obvious—Jesus took breaks. Maybe you should consider doing the same." Leaders, take these warning signs serious, your primary ministry (your family) is on the line.

Ron Brooks has a post on yelling. We all know it's not an effective way to communicate. He says, "I have had a few students that I took into the hall to talk to. I didn't yell, I talked." Parents and pastors alike can benefit from these wise words.

Justin Knowles had a post on the Download Youth Ministry blog about the need for focus. He wrote, "If you don't know what you are aiming for, you won't hit anything. You need to be focused on what your values an goals are." Leaders, do you know your values and goals? Are you focused on them?

What have you found helpful online this week? Leave us a link the comment section and we will check it out.