Family Friday Links 6.10.16

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Ann Voskamp wrote a very strong blog to her sons about how to honor, care for and value women. A quote from the blog says, "When Christ stepped out of that black tomb, he still didn’t choose to first manifest Himself to prestigious officials, religious leaders, the Twelve, but instead He revealed Himself first to the women, He entrusted the veracity of His resurrection to the testimony of the women, He offered the privilege of proclaiming Christ as the risen Savior to the women, though no court at the time would accept their testimony. That’s how God loves His daughters with His regard."

The Gospel Coalition shared a post by Mike McGarry entitled Parents, Tell Your Kids They Are Sinners. Mike says,  "When we don’t teach our kids about sin, we are actually making it difficult for them to become Christians. Without knowledge of their guilt, there can be no confession of sin or profession of faith. But when we teach our kids about their sinful nature, they’re more prepared to prayerfully turn to God for strength and help to resist temptation".

David Mathis wrote a good piece for Desiring God on parenting on the topic of connecting with your kids not just correcting them. David writes, "With the sheer quantity of time and energy it takes simply to react to our children’s needs, and to their growing manifestations of sin, it’s all too easy to focus only on discipline and punishment, and neglect the proactive and visionary calling of parenting." 

 Christianity Today republished an article from 1981 by Eugene Peterson called The Unbusy Pastor. Although this article was written over 30 years ago it is still applicaible today.  Peterson writes, " If I'm not busy making my mark in the world and not busy doing what everyone expects me to do, what do I do? What is my proper work? What does it mean to be a pastor? If I had no personal needs to be fulfilled, what would I do? If no one asked me to do anything, what would I do?" This was a super convicting article for me. I hope it is a blessing to you! 

Please share in the comments the articles you have been blessed and encouraged by.