Family Friday Links 9.23.16

This week's links could be renamed Friday Parenting Links. Here goes:

Paul Tripp has a new book on parenting out and wrote a post about things parents forget. He says, "When we, as earthly mothers and fathers, forget the daily mercies we've received from the Heavenly Father's hands, mercies we could have never earned, deserved, or achieved, it becomes much easier for us not to parent our children with mercy." Kids learn about things like mercy, grace, forgiveness, love and joy (or the lack of the these things) from their parents. While the may experience them other places, in both good and bad ways, the learn them from the people they are closest with. Parents you get what you model.

All Pro Dad had a post on helping kids finish strong. He comments, "Finishing strong will train us to keep pushing forward when faced with times of trial." As a parent who often desires to help my kids just finish, I forget that trials are a means of teaching perseverance.

Joshua Straub wrote about how to make discipline easier. He quote another post when he writes, "Discipline “rescues children from the ‘tyranny of their own desires.’” Discipline guides. Discipline directs. Parents don't be afraid of it.

Desiring God had a post by Jason DeRouchie about the training up of a child. He wrote, " ... the overall context of Proverbs suggests the act of dedicating in Proverbs 22:6 is focused more on an intentional, sustained, God-dependent shepherding of our children’s hearts as they grow into adulthood — one in which the children themselves are aware of the parents’ trajectory-setting intentions." Parents this is hard work. Work you are not capable of on your own, you need God's help. You need a growing faith and belief in God so that you can pass it on to your kids.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section and we will check it out.