New Book: Parenting First Aid by Marty Machowski

In a recent sermon I preached on parenting I started out by saying, “Parenting is hard, gloriously hard.” Not only do I believe this to be true, I know it is true from experience. When I say it’s glorious, I mean this is a primary ministry God gives us and therefore a blessing. When I say it’s hard, I mean that this privilege and responsibility that is far beyond our capacity. That’s why I’m grateful for books like Parenting First Aid by Marty Machowski.

Marty has put together twenty chapters worth of devotions for parents. He uses the Scriptures to point parents to the resources they have in God himself. Marty doesn’t use the typical “parenting” passages but rather he uses the whole of Scripture, interpreted just for parents. He reminds us that our Heavenly Father is big and trustworthy, and he shows how God gives us the answers to our current parenting challenges.

Parenting First Aid is a great tool for those struggling with their parenting. Marty reminds parents of the importance of their faith as the tool God will use to draw their kids to Him. If you are struggling as a parent—and I know you are—this book will be a great source of encouragement. Get it at the link above. Read it and be refreshed.

Pat Aldridge