Family Friday Links 3.1.19


Here’s what we’ve been reading online this week:

Children’s Ministry Magazine had a post on kids and worship. It reads, “Worship with kids is much more than just singing silly songs and getting them to shake out their wiggles. The music we select for worship serves as a valuable tool for teaching God’s Word and truth to kids.” It goes on to list 11 things to think through as you are planning for this. It’s a good list worth checking out.

Matt Henslee had post on the topic of sex abuse prevention. He lists 5 practices a churches should be thinking through when it comes to this topic. As the posts states several times, don’t buy into the lie, “But that won’t happen here.”

Christina Embree had a post on “those” parents. It’s on the topic of technology and boundaries. She states the motivation for this topic as such: “Every single parent was doing what they felt was best for their children out of the motivation of love.” While different parents have different boundaries, it’s simply good parenting to be protecting our kids … even if it’s just from themselves."

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section for us to check out.

Pat Aldridge