Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 10.30.15

Here's what we've been reading online lately:

Christina Embree wrote a post on discipleship at home. She wrote, "Comprehension of the need for faith formation at home is often overshadowed by fears of implementation." She goes on to list simple things every parent can do to implement discipleship at home.

Verge Network had a post about kids and loving your neighbors. It reads, "Kids have a great ability to break down people’s defenses and to open lines of communication. The command to love your neighbors is one command of God that can be easier to obey with your kids than without." This post goes on to list ways this true, check it out.

Gospel Taboo has a post about kids and their annoying personalities. It concludes this way, "As parents, we must help our children take a personality trait that tends toward sin and train it toward righteousness. And we must do so with patience and kindness. So rather than strive to uproot that annoying trait, give it some good boundaries and a trellis. Train it up and watch it bloom to the glory of God. He gifts our children with the seedlings of communication, leadership, drive, sensitivity and imagination. May we be diligent to tenderly train them up in the way that they should go." Check out this post to learn how this possible.

Russell Moore wrote a post on fatherhood and abbition. He says, "If God has given you children, make sure your ambition is toward them, not away from them." This is a great read for every dad.

What have you be benefitting from online? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out.