Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 11.21.14

Here we are again, another Friday. Here are some of the things we've been reading online that need to shared.

Verge Network had a post on lies that keep families from being missional. It tackles one of hot topics families face: age segregation. This post asks biblical and practical questions that parents as well as pastors need to wrestle with when it comes to missional/community groups.

Children's Ministry blog put together a list of the top Children's Ministry books of 2014. Some of our favorites are made this list, as well as some we may need to check out.

Children's Ministry Leader had a post asking the question: Is your ministry informational or transformational? The post goes on to answer to point the reader towards transformational by offering practical suggestions. This would be a good topic to discuss with children's ministry workers.

Ben Trueblood over at LifeWay wrote a post about boy's obsession with video games. He writes, "There are experiences that these games are offering that they don't believe they are receiving from their normal life, including your student ministry and their relationship with Jesus." This is for parents as well as youth pastors, both need this awareness.

Dan Darling had a post on ERLC blog on keys to shape kid's view of marriage. He says, "We can't assume our children will automatically understand God's creational design for men and woman and why this venerable institution represent Christ and his Church." He goes on to list and define 3 reminders.

As usual, we don't (and can't) read everything out there on the web. If you come across something helpful and encouraging, leave us a comment to check out.