Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 1.13.17

Here's what we've been reading online this week:

Steven Knight had a great post on equipping parents. He describes it this way in his opening, "One of the biggest needs in the church today is parent ministry." He goes on to list 5 simple ways to be intentional with parents.

LifeWay Kids had a guest post by Barnabas Piper on lies parents tell their kids. He lists a few reasons for this like this one, "Sometimes it’s because we so want them to believe something, to feel better, to overcome a challenge, or to work through pain that we will say anything to try to help." He goes on to list what we say, why we say it, and the harm it does. As parents, we want to be know as truth tellers, so we need to stand on God's truth and help our kids wrestle with it.

Mark Merrill over at All Pro Dad had a post on busyness. He wrote, "A friend of mine reminded me that we basically have 7,000 days with our kids from cradle to college. I don’t want to get to the end of those 7,000 days and wonder where my children went. If you and I don’t do something about our busyness problem, those days will be gone before we know it." He goes on to list why this is and what to do about it. This is extremely important for parents to think through, as well as pastors and churches.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section and we will check it out.