Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 2.20.15

Here are a few of the things we've read online from the past week. We could call this week's edition, "For Parents".

Aaron Armstrong wrote a post on his blog about books kids should read. He starts out by saying, "I love reading great books - and really love introducing new books to my kids." If you are a parent of a reader, this is a great place to start them reading some things that may not be on your radar.

Ron Brooks had a post on the topic of teaching kids about faith. He defined faith this way based on Hebrews 11:1, "Faith is believing in something you can't see." Parents we need to be helping our kids understand spiritual things. Pastor Brooks goes on to explain why, "You do not have to have all the answers. The important thing is you spend time in discussion, and that you try." You'll never do it perfect, but that doesn't diminish our responsibility to be faithful.

I (Pat) wrote a post on my personal blog on the topic of becoming better parents. It's based on a book I'm reading by Craig Jutila called Faith and the Modern Family. I highly recommend this book to parents.

What have you been reading online? Leave us a comment (and maybe even a link) for us to check out.