Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 4.14.17

Here's what we've been reading online this week:

Our friend, Timothy Paul Jones, started a series on parenting and how the gospel transforms the way we parent. He wrote, "As a parent, I speak truth into their lives; as a brother [in Christ], I speak the truth patiently, ever seeking the peace that only the gospel can bring (James 4:11; 5:7–9; Matt. 5:22–25; 1 Cor. 1:10). Parents, the easiest way to lead our kids to the gospel is to display in our lives.

Christina Fox had a post about what parents need to focus on this easter. She reminds us, "Beyond jellybeans and warm sunshine, we remember and rejoice in the new life that is ours because of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins and triumph over the grave." She then goes on to list 4 specific ways to do this. Parents, lets make the most of this time of year.

My (Pat) pastor, Joe Thorn, had a great post on what it means to be a neighbor. He says in part, "... God's command for us to love our neighbor as ourselves, to seek their good, is a call for us to be intrusive." I share this here because we live in a world where most of us are much more inclined to want to be left alone, but God calls us to more. This is a helpful reminder of the importance of intentionality (not just with our kids, but with our neighbors as well).

What have you been benefitting from online lately? Leave a link in the comment section and we'll check it out.