Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 9.11.20

Here’s what we’ve been reading online lately:

The website Deep Roots at Home had a post entitled “The Lost Art of Roughhousing.” It lists benefits of this type of play from a book by the same name. It ends with a “how-to”—things to keep in mind as you’re roughhousing with the kids. Dads, this is an especially important post for you.

The Christian Post wrote on the topic of modern secular culture and its current assault on Christianity. In this post, Tim Keller is quoted summarizing the cultural view: “The only sin is to tell people that they sin.” Keller goes on to warn that secularists desire a Christianity without God. This is what culture is teaching our kids.

Christina Embree had a post asking the question, “What is the greatest challenge in Kidmin?” She makes the case that the greatest challenge is age segregation; that we are doing the whole community a disservice by doing so. This has implications and impacts across the discipleship landscape of the church.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out.