Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 12.11.20

Here’s what we’ve been reading online over the past few weeks:

Dale Hudson had a post on the most important thing in children’s ministry. SPOILER ALERT - He says, “Sharing the Gospel with kids and families and seeing them come to faith in Christ for their salvation. That's it. That's the most important thing we do.” If we aren’t viewing children’s ministry as discipleship then we are wasting an opportunity.

The Gospel Coalition had a post on lies about family discipleship. It reads, “Willfully or not, all parents are discipling the little ones around them.” As parents, we have to use the influence God gave us with intentionality.

The Fierce Marriage site had a link to their podcast where they discussed transparency. In the podcast they discuss what transparency in relationships offers … freedom. Give it a listen and find not only freedom, but joy and holiness as well.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave us a link the comment section for us to check out.