Bible storying is a great tool for helping your family learn the big truths of the Bible together. Learn how a few minutes in the car or at the breakfast table can help them (and you!) keep the Bible on their mind and in their hearts all day long.
Read MoreClassroom discussions are incredibly important to any Sunday School lesson plan. We’ll examine why this time is valuable, how it can go off the rails, and cover some tips to help make sure this time is beneficial to the kids you’re leading each week.
Read MoreIt’s a new book from Robert Cheong that combines soul-care and discipleship in a clear, easy to read, scripture infused volume that was the perfect jumpstart to my new year (and could be for yours too!).
Read MoreMany churches create a child protection policy in order to describe the parameters of a safe environment before problems arise. In this post, Jared Kennedy walks through what it might look like for your local church to put a CPP in place for the first time.
Read MoreLuther’s joy over Christmas rested in his conviction that this holiday uniquely demonstrates God’s extravagant love and radical grace.
Read MoreThe renewal and purification of these traditions—the way in which they have been changed to highlight God’s glory—makes them all-the-more-beautiful pictures of redemption. They are now means through which we can honor God.
Read MoreThere’s no shortage of Advent resources for families to discover each year. This year, our friend Champ Thornton put together a great resource for parents to walk through with their kids. Check out our review to see if it’s a good fit for your family.
Read MoreDoes your local church or family have a devotional path that you walk each Advent season? If not, take advantage of this holiday season to build new discipleship habits. Here’s a list of resources that can help.
Read MoreWhen the children of Israel were afraid and discouraged, they’d shrink back from what God had commanded them to do. But over and over again, God commands his people to trust him and be brave.
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