Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 11.27.15

Here's what we've been reading online lately:

Jo Saxton wrote a post on the next generation of leaders. She says, “Friends, we may have huge influence, a huge profile – but we’re still merely notes in a song, words in an epic story. His story. If we look (and sometimes we’ll need to look hard and beyond our preferences) we’ll find a generation hungry for mentoring, discipling, training, coaching, and longing for the chance to learn even if they fail sometimes, longing for guidance as they grow.” Are you investing in the next generation of leaders? Even the some times immature ones and other times impatient ones?

Dale Hudson had a post analyzing the “2 parent working full-time” statistics. He asks the question, “How does both parents working full-time affect the time they are able to spend with their children?” The answer to that question should impact the way we minister to families.

Greg Baird wrote on ways to say thanks to the people who volunteer in our ministries week in and week out. I know I’m guilty not saying it often enough, and need these reminders.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section and one of us will check it out.