Family Friday Links 10.29.21

Here’s what we’ve been benefiting from online lately:

Daniel Darling had a post the D6 site on social media use. He gives 9 thoughts that should be considered before we, or our kids, post something. Parents and pastors, these are good reminders we all need.

Julie Lowe had a post on the New Growth Press site on suicide. She gives 13 reminders for parents to share with their kids of why life is worth living. If you have teens or work with them, this post is helpful.

My (Pat) friend Joel Settecase over at the Think Institute had great post on the importance of worldview. He defines the term, lays out why it’s important, and gives reasons for a biblical worldview. This is a helpful post for parents of teens as they begin to think abstractly about their view of the world and their place in it.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section.

Pat Aldridge