Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 1.16.15

Here is our weekly post on what we've been reading online this week:

Tim Challies wrote on the importance of families eating together. After giving reason why, he wrote, "And so we eat together as often as possible and try to make the most of it." Parents, this is well worth your time.

Paul Tripp had a post on the Verge Network site on sanctification and marriage. He ponders the question, "Wouldn't it save so much heartache, conflict, hurt and disappointment if God had fully sanctified us and then called us into loving union with our spouse?" If you're married, soon will be, or hope to be one day this is an important post to read.

The Gospel Coalition had a post on the need for intergenerational friendships. It reads, "Intergenerational community is part of God’s vision for the church (see Titus 2)." Children's, Youth, Family, and Lead Pastors, this is something we need to be doing better art ... for the health of our churches.

Sam Luce wrote a post on what boys need to know about dating. He asserts, "We teach our kids about sex, we tell them what to avoid. But we don't teach our kids how to engage in meaningful and eventually lifelong relationships with the opposite sex." Parents of boys, Sam give practical advice here that your boys need to hear from you.

What have you been reading online and found encouraging or challenging? Leave a link in the comment section to check out.