Family Friday Links 1.21.21

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Here’s what we’ve been reading online this week:

Ministry Spark had a post about the importance rest and soul care. The post reminds us, “We have no power to fix this, but our eyes are fixed on the One who can.” By keeping our eyes focused on Christ, we find peace for the soul and rest for the body.

Trevin Wax had a post over at the Gospel Coalition site about students taking a gap year from the church. He warns, “Church leaders should take note when the majority of the kids who attend church regularly as teenagers take significant time off from church during some of the most crucial decision-making years of their lives.”

Scott Kedersha had a post on marriage questions that couples should regularly ask. He has observed, “Most couples I know struggle in the area of spiritual intimacy and having challenging conversations.” He goes on to list 12 questions that can help break some of that tension.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave a link in the comment section to check out.

Pat Aldridge