Family Friday Links 1.2.15

Here is our daily list of things we've been reading as we've been online.

Michael Bayne wrote on reminders for small group leaders. He wrote, "When we lead a small group we are working to connect, mentor, and guide simultaneously and that process can really distract from the bigger picture because we are focused on just a few significant relationships." This is a great post for any small group leader of any age.

Sam Luce wrote a post on how to get what you want. He writes, "I want kids for whom Christ is their treasure, but if He is not my treasure the chances of my kids finding ultimate worth in Christ are very slim." Parents (as well as pastors) this is a great reminder for us.

D6 Family had a post on the importance of numbers. It reads, "What if it's ok, even good, even great, maybe even perfect, for out goal in 'reaching people for the gospel' to be reaching a small number of people, a number we can count on one or two hands?" In a culture that is focused on big numbers getting bigger, this post reminds the reader that small and done well is better than just bigger.

What have you been reading online? If it was helpful, leave a link in a comment for us to check out.