Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 3.24.17

Here's what we've been reading online this week:

Ryan Frederick had a post on the Fierce Marriage site on comparison. He wrote, "Comparisons stifle progress; only truth in light of the gospel causes real growth." While we usually compare ourselves to other in unhealthy and unhelpful ways, there is a comparison that we do make. It's in the post, go read it.

Dan Temple had a post on the A Word to Parents site on parents serving in kids ministry. It lists 4 reasons why this is a good idea. He is well reasons and this post is convicting. This is critical for churches and parents to think through.

Our friend Sam Luce had another great post on helping kids navigate cultural engagement. He warns, "We will never be cultivators of culture or teach our kids to survive and thrive in the complexity of being exiles in a culture that will destroy them if they only learn how to respond with a singular fixed posture." This is a great post for parents, especially parents of tweens and teens.

What have you been benefitting from online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out.