Gospel-Centered Family

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Family Friday Links 3.27.15

Here is our weekly list of links we've found helpful and hope you do as well:

John Murchison writing for the Verge Network answered the "how" of kids and community. He wrote, "... real life community doesn’t usually consist of people sitting in a circle and taking turns talking." Having our kids around and involved is necessary if we are going to be on mission.

Christian Fox wrote a post for Desiring God on the topic of Mom's need for theology. She wrote, "So moms, theology isn’t just for pastors, teachers, and professors; it’s for you too." She spends time developing the reasons for this.

Greg Baird had a post on what children need and want. He starts the post this way, "Anyone who has ever tried to teach children understands that they can be maddeningly complex and yet wonderfully simple." If we want to be effective at reaching kids we would be wise to read and apply what Greg is sharing.

What have you been reading online? Leave us a link in the comment section and one of us will check it out.