Family Friday Links 4.23.21

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Here’s what we’ve been reading online as of late:

Greg Baird had a post entitled, “5 Things Pastors Need To Hear About Children’s Ministry”. His list is very good and while they all may not be in your church; I’d bet dollars to donuts that Children’s ministry pastors and leaders will be able to relate to at least 1. Be bold and use this as a springboard to conversation with your pastor.

Dale Hudson had a post about COVID’s affect on families’ church attendance. In it, he lists 8 ways for families to reengage. This a helpful list as some church have seen a 50% decline in attendance. This is an important post for the health of the whole church.

Scott Kedersha continued his series on marital commitment. He shared 4 more ways to be building on that commitment. He says, “… couples must look for ways to joyfully stick together. When couples have dedication commitment they look for ways to strengthen their relationship for the mutual benefit of both spouses.” This is helpful post (and series) for those looking to strengthen their marriage or help others do the same.

What have you be challenged by online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out.

Pat Aldridge