Family Friday Links 5.8.20

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Here’s what we’ve been reading when we find the time…

Fierce Marriage had a post on habits of a healthy marriage. It concludes this way, “Friends, be intentional in your marriage! Build each other up in Christ-like love, use wisdom, and in all cases, Glorify God.” While their suggestion may not be revolutionary, they are absolutely necessary.

The Youth Cartel had a post on what shifts should be made due to the pandemic. The author believes that youth ministry specifically (and all ministry in general) are in the perfect position to, “Reposition yourself to hear from the Lord afresh, then pursue a “pandemic of hope” like the world has never seen.” One of the good things this pandemic has provided us with is time to dream and innovate. Part of our calling is to redeem that time.

Ken Braddy had a post with a link to a PDF that listed questions that need to be asked before reopening church. This is extremely helpful and well worth your time.

What have you been reading online? Leave us link in the comment section to check out!

Pat Aldridge