Family Friday Links 6.19.20

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Here’s what we’ve found helpful online this week:

The International Network of Children’s Ministry (INCM) had a helpful post on racism and the Children’s Ministry Leader. It reads, “Dear friends, racism has been with us from the moment sin entered the world because it is a sin. It is evil because it comes from the evil one. It flies in opposition to the heart of God and it has no place in His Kingdom. The only hope we have against the sin of racism is Jesus and the sanctifying work of His Spirit in our hearts and lives.” It goes on to list 5 roles to keep in mind as we are helping children through this.

Fierce Marriage had a post about the dangers of trying so hard. After reminding the reader of who they are in Christ, the author says, “ If you’re struggling in your marriage and you feel like nothing you’re trying is working, it’s time for you to simply stop and rest in Christ.” This is great, albeit hard, advice that will take concerted effort.

Ministry to Parents had a post about parents and why they sometimes avoid community. It reads, “There could be any number of reasons why parents resist finding community.” The post goes on to list 10 of those reasons and how the church can help.

What have you found online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out!

Pat Aldridge